Hearing Testing
We can provide many different methods to test children of any age at our office. Your child will be placed in a sound treated testing booth and will be asked to listen to sounds at various volumes and pitches. This can be done by looking for sounds or playing games in younger children, or wearing headphones for ear specific testing. Also, we can test how clearly your child can understand and recognize speech by speech discrimination testing.

Otoacoustic Emissions Testing
Otoacoustic emissions are inaudible sounds recorded in the inner ear by placing a soft probe into the ear canal that produces clicking or buzzing sounds. These sounds stimulate nerve cells in the inner ear, called hair cells. If the hair cells are healthy, they will emit a response back that can be recorded with our special equipment. This test is useful in patients that are unable to do a behavioral hearing test. It can also be used to test hearing of a newborn infant.
Otoacoustic Emissions Testing
Otoacoustic emissions are inaudible sounds recorded in the inner ear by placing a soft probe into the ear canal that produces clicking or buzzing sounds. These sounds stimulate nerve cells in the inner ear, called hair cells. If the hair cells are healthy, they will emit a response back that can be recorded with our special equipment. This test is useful in patients that are unable to do a behavioral hearing test. It can also be used to test hearing of a newborn infant.

Tympanometry and Acoustic Reflex Testing
This test measures the status of the eardrum and compliance of the middle ear space. A soft probe is inserted into the ear canal and a subtle pressure is introduced into the ear and will produce a reading on a graph called a tympanogram. We can use this test to evaluate if there is fluid in the middle ear space, if tympanostomy tubes are functioning, and more.

Auditory Brainstem Evoked Response Testing
This test gives information about the inner ear and brain pathways for hearing. This test is most helpful when behavioral testing cannot be obtained, such as in young infants. During this test, electrodes are places on the head and face and electrical impulses are recorded from a brain wave pattern. This testing is usually preformed in newborn infants while they are asleep, or in sedated patients in an operating room setting.
Auditory Brainstem Evoked Response Testing
This test gives information about the inner ear and brain pathways for hearing. This test is most helpful when behavioral testing cannot be obtained, such as in young infants. During this test, electrodes are places on the head and face and electrical impulses are recorded from a brain wave pattern. This testing is usually preformed in newborn infants while they are asleep, or in sedated patients in an operating room setting.

Central Auditory Processing Evaluations
This evaluation is a series of special tests that are designed to assess the auditory functions of the brain. A central auditory processing disorder is a condition that has many implications on education and learning. This evaluation is helpful in children who have difficulty with maintaining attention, following directions, difficulty hearing with presence of background noise, and academic difficulties. The evaluation is performed in children with normal hearing.

Hearing Aid Sales and Repairs
We partner with Diversified Hearing Services, who can assist you in purchasing or repairing your child’s hearing aids. They can also assist you in our office if you are interested in purchasing ear plugs or creating custom mold ear plugs for your child. We can provide the information for you to easily get an appointment with one of the audiologists from Diversified Hearing Services in one of their many accessible locations.
Hearing Aid Sales and Repairs
We partner with Diversified Hearing Services, who can assist you in purchasing or repairing your child’s hearing aids. They can also assist you in our office if you are interested in purchasing ear plugs or creating custom mold ear plugs for your child. We can provide the information for you to easily get an appointment with one of the audiologists from Diversified Hearing Services in one of their many accessible locations.

Electronystagmograms (dizziness testing)
This test is used to evaluate patients complaining of dizziness, vertigo, trouble with balance, or other disorders that affect hearing and vision. This test can diagnose disorders with the inner ear or certain parts of the brain and consists of a variety of multiple tests. Electrodes are placed on the face above and below the eyes and detect involuntary eye movements in response to various stimuli.

How Can We Help?
We offer a range of medical and surgical otolaryngology services.